Physical Interventions / MVA Training
Used for challenging or difficult behaviour engaging principles using natural body movements, to keep staff and Residents as safe as possible.
It can be used as a brief or longer intervention, Interventions are based on theoretically approach accredited by the British Institute of Learning Disability (BILD) and map the Restraint Reduction Networks (RRN) Training Standards.
This course goes through a number of different hands on principles that usually require 2 staff, again tailored to your particular service needs.
We would need to quickly show you or one of your senior clinical staff what the techniques look and feel like for you to decide if they were useful or not or adapt them for your use.
Course Duration: 1 - 3 days, dependant on your organisations need.
Resources required: Mats as some floor work may be needed.
Contact us today to find out more.
This course can be bespoked to most clinical areas and can be from 1 day to 3 days depending on your organisations need.
It includes theory based training and physical intervention for Challenging behaviour. This course can be presented in a group and adapted to the specific needs of the service area. This will be valid for 12 months after which a 1 day update will be needed.